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You are hereby requested to attend the June Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania to be held on Saturday, June 5, at
10 a.m. The live stream will start at 9:30 a.m.
While normally, all Master Masons are invited to attend Quarterly Communications in person, attendance this June is limited due to COVID-19 restrictions. All members, however, are invited to attend via a YouTube Live Stream.

By Order of the R.W. Grand Master
Mark A. Haines
R.W. Grand Secretary

How can I view the YouTube Live Stream?
Your District Deputy Grand Master may be setting up a location(s) near you to attend. Attendance may be limited by COVID-19 restrictions.
You can view from your home on any device having the capability to access YouTube videos: computers, smart phones, tablets and smart/internet access TVs. Go to https://youtu.be/bADSRN3JPiM OR scan this QR Code with your device:

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